What is the body mass index (BMI), How much is a normal BMI?

The BMI helps you determine whether your body is currently obese or malnourished and how. BMI is calculated based on data on the height and weight of the body. Once you know your BMI, you can plan on losing weight or taking the right nutrition.

1. What is BMI?

Body Mass Index (BMI), also known as body mass index, body mass index, is a commonly used tool to measure body fat. The standard BMI is calculated based on height and weight and applies to adult men and women.

The formula calculates body mass index:

BMI = Weight / [(Height) 2]


BMI commonly used is kg / m2

W is the weight (kg)

H is the height (m)

A person with a healthy BMI will range between 18.5 - 24.9; this figure shows you are at the ideal weight.

How to measure and calculate BMI according to the guidance of the National Institute of Nutrition

Causes and treatments for obesity in children

How do I know if I should have a diabetes test?

2. How much is BMI excess?

When your body mass index is between 25 - 29.9, you are overweight.

In the case of a BMI of 30 or higher, it indicates that you are obese. Accordingly, about one-third of women in the United States are obese.

BMI in adults

Figure 1: What is the body mass index (BMI), How much is a normal BMI?

3. Factors affecting body weight

Several factors affect your weight, including:

Excess calories:

The body needs to add enough calories to meet daily energy needs. However, excess calories will store as fat. Adding too many calories will lead to overweight and obesity.

Advanced age:

Your weight will usually increase a little more as you get older.

Genetic factors:

Some cases of genetic disorders, leading to obesity.

Pregnancy process:

During pregnancy, pregnant women will often gain weight. After giving birth, a woman usually cannot lose weight to the average level before she became pregnant.

In addition to factors such as geography or pregnancy, you can actively control your daily calorie intake to keep your BMI at normal levels.

4. How does BMI too high affect health?

Too high a BMI will adversely affect health and cause many dangerous diseases. Many serious health problems are associated with being overweight or obese, including:

Heart-related diseases


Gallbladder disease

The risk of creating certain types of cancer, such as endometrial cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and gall bladder. Besides, obesity may also increase the risk of ovarian cancer.

Sleep apnea

Joint disease


5. How to get the ideal BMI?

To achieve the ideal BMI, you need to lose weight. Losing weight requires you to use more calories than you consume. You can do this by exercising regularly to burn excess energy, combined with a healthy diet.

Ideally, see your doctor so you can plan a balanced, sensible, and nutritious food. If necessary, you can quickly reach your healthy BMI with strict diets, combined with regular exercise.

Exercise helps you regain your ideal weight.

6. Safe way to lose weight without medication

6.1. Healthy eating mode

Limit foods high in sugar and fat. To recover a healthy body, you can cut back on calories and reduce sugar by avoiding sugary drinks, such as soft drinks or sweet tea. These drinks are high in sugar and high in energy, often consumed with meals, making the body's calorie intake excess.

Also, you should adjust your eating habits by controlling your diet, avoiding overeating one food, dividing it into small meals. This will limit the intake of too much energy after each meal.

6.2. Moderate exercise

Everybody who has successfully lost weight and maintained an ideal BMI has a habit of spending 60 - 90 minutes on moderate exercise on most days of the week. You do not need to put the practices together to perform at the same time. For example, you can exercise for 20 - 30 minutes, divided into three times per day. You must maintain a regular daily, weekly, continuous movement routine for months so that you can see the obvious weight loss effect.

In addition to losing weight, exercise also enhances overall health and improves mood. Different activities help your endurance increase, improve flexibility, and muscle strength. Exercise also helps reduce symptoms of depression and stress in some people. The risk of heart disease, colon cancer, and diabetes are also significantly reduced if you maintain regular physical activity.